
Our road from remote-friendly to remote-first

Adam Niedzielski · 29 Nov 2018

When I joined Liefery the IT team was remote-friendly. What do I mean here by “remote-friendly”? Let me explain. People were allowed to work remotely every now and then and it wasn’t uncommon for somebody to travel and work remotely during that time.

Remote work as something special

At the same time, remote work was perceived as a “special mode”. All our meetings were happening in the office, so quite often people would say

“Ali is not in the office today and I’d like to hear her input, so let’s postpone the meeting to tomorrow”.

This worked well in a smaller team, but as the team started to grow it became impossible to find time when everyone was in the office.

Inefficient remote communication

Another thing that bothered me was that people were disappearing in a communication black hole when working remotely.

We were using the remote time as the time when you can focus completely on the task in front of you by cutting off all communication channels. But an efficient team can’t work like this!

First of all, the task in front of you may not be the current priority. The chances are that your current priority is talking with your colleague who is “blocked” and cannot proceed without your answer. If you “unblock” them you will maximise your impact.

What’s more, if you cut off all communication channels you put more strain on your colleagues physically present in the office, because they will have to take the workload from you. This in turn pushes more and more people to retreat into the communication black hole.

If your reason for working remotely is that you can’t focus in the office then your office setup is wrong and your communication patterns in the team are broken. (me)

Learning from others

Having worked at a remote-only company before, I knew how effective remote work could be. I decided to use this experience to improve how we work remotely at Liefery.

I started by gathering my thoughts and writing them down. This resulted in a blog post on my personal blog - “Make your meetings more async”. I encourage you to read it, but the key points are:

  1. Create a live editable agenda and share the document as early as possible
  2. Invite many people, but make the participation optional
  3. Find time that works for most people, but don’t strive to find time that works for everybody. It’s really hard when the team is bigger.
  4. Record the meeting
  5. Start the meeting on time.
  6. Follow the order in the agenda.
  7. At the end of the meeting create action items.

First round of changes

I brought up this subject during one of our weekly retrospectives. We discussed it in the team and decided to include the above points in our team handbook (which we call “Don’t panic”). We also added some important points aiming to improve the communication in general:

  1. If you have a question and you are 95% sure that person A can answer it, don’t reach out to this person directly. Instead formulate your question on Slack, in the shared channel and mention person A. It is possible that some other people will be able to answer the question as well. It is also likely that some other people will be interested in knowing the answer.
  2. If you have a question that should not be posted in a shared channel, please consider sending a Slack direct message first, instead of going to the desk of your coworker and asking. This allows them to respond at a time convenient to them, without interrupting their flow. When deciding whether to send a Slack message or ask directly, take into account how urgent your question is.
  3. If you want to propose changes in the existing company processes or general code techniques, open a pull request that documents the changed situation. Other team members can then leave comments at a time convenient to them. If there is a general agreement, the PR can be merged. If not, it is time for a meeting. Do not default to scheduling a meeting, start with an asynchronous discussion in a PR first.
  4. If you go back and forth with somebody in a chat conversation or during the code review, talk with them offline (when both of you are in the office) or start a video call (when one of you is not in the office). Rule of thumb: if you have gone back and forth 3 times, it’s time for synchronous communication.
  5. When working remotely make it clear to your co-workers that you’re starting your work day - for example say “Hi” on Slack. It’s fine to turn off notifications for some time to focus on a task, but be sure to check them a few times during the day. Let other team members know that you are available for help by posting it explicitly on Slack from time to time.

…and first results

Of course, just documenting the principles won’t change the behaviour of the team. Every change is a process and this process requires time and reminders. But at least we had a shared understanding how we want to work and a goal to strive towards.

The communication patterns in the team started to change slowly and we also changed our office space to a bigger one, which reduced the distractions. We were still fighting with people “disappearing” when working remotely, but the situation was improving.

Including remote people in meetings

Some time had passed and I set a new personal goal for myself - include remote people in our meetings.

When I was calling for a meeting I started to prepare a video call 10 minutes before. My laptop was the host of the meeting and we were putting a microphone in the middle of the table in the meeting room. At that time we were using Youtube Live Streaming, because it allows people to join the call as participants or viewers and automatically records a video.

It was an improvement over completely offline meetings, but it had a couple of drawbacks:

  1. it required manual setup (about 5 minutes)
  2. it required the person calling the meeting to always remember to do the setup
  3. the audio quality was bad for remote people. They could barely hear what was happening in the meeting room.
  4. there was no way for remote people to signal that they want to say something

The remote people were now included in the meeting, but they were second-class citizens.

Remote-first vision

We continued like that for a while until I decided to bring up the topic during our weekly retrospective again. I expressed my wish to improve the remote communication further. As an action item from that meeting I volunteered to prepare a presentation. I called this presentation “Remote-first vision”, because I was thinking about it as a big change to do and I expected some push back in the team. I wanted to present the complete idea without immediately jumping to implementation details.

So how do I define remote-first?

Remote-first means that remote work is our default approach. We are a team of people that all work from different locations.​ Sometimes people come to the office to hang out with each other, but our processes don’t depend on it​.

During my professional work I noticed that the communication in fully co-located teams works well and that the communication in fully remote teams also works well. What doesn’t work are the solutions in the middle - like our remote-friendly approach. In this model remote people are being left out. By switching to remote-first we make everybody a first-class team member.

The proposal

The most important change that I proposed was “Every meeting is a remote meeting”:

  1. Every meeting is a recorded video call​
  2. Everybody participates individually from their own laptop​
  3. Do not use computer speakers, they cause an echo.​
  4. Do not use your computer microphone, it accentuates background noise. ​
  5. In video calls everyone should own a camera and a headset, even when they are in the same room. This helps seeing and hearing the person that is talking. It also allows people to easily talk and mute themselves.​
  6. You wouldn’t share an office seat together, so don’t share your virtual seat at the table.​
  7. Everybody should take care of their setup and internet connection so it allows video calls.​

I wrote it down based on my experience at GitLab and GitLab Handbook.

Team response

After I finished the presentation the responses were mostly positive. In fact, the reaction was way better than I expected. People were excited and wanted to try the new approach!

There were some controversial points to clarify so I followed up with a next meeting - this time to discuss the specifics how we want to try the remote-first approach.

“Everything is an experiment”

At Liefery we treat our processes in the same way as we treat our code - the agile way. At the time of the first presentation we didn’t know if the remote-first approach would work for our team. That’s why we started discussing how we could experiment with the new approach without committing to it fully.

The ideas ranged from “the whole IT team performs all meetings in the remote-first way for two weeks” to “one squad (feature-oriented temporary subteam) tests it out”. In the end we decided to test it in the whole IT team for two weeks, but do it only for meetings where at least one participant is remote or somebody could benefit from the recording.


We discussed possible video conference tools and decided to go with with Zoom, the tool that I used at GitLab. Zoom is able to handle a call with 100 participants maintaining excellent quality (I’m impressed to this day) and has automatic effortless recording.

We agreed that a stable internet connection is a requirement for working remotely, so that a video call is possible at any time. We also decided to order dedicated headsets for everyone who needed one.

Awkward at the beginning

At the beginning we struggled with awkwardness when most people in the call were also in the office. It didn’t seem natural to talk using the headset when the conversation partner was sitting next to you. We also had problems with echo when people didn’t mute themselves after finishing to speak.

Positive feedback

After this initial period people got used to the new method and a lot of positive feedback about remote-first meetings started to come in our weekly retrospectives. My colleagues were reporting that participating in meetings when working from home is way better than it was before. Because of this positive feedback we forgot about our two weeks timebox and continued with the remote-first approach.

In the meantime we had a meeting where we explored together more advanced capabilities of Zoom - for example how to use the whiteboard when presenting. Most importantly, we learned how to use the “Raise hand” feature for signaling that you want to speak. Apparently only the meeting host can see the raised hands which is a bit annoying and requires getting used to.

Reviewing the experiment

After some time we reviewed the transition to remote-first again. As nobody expressed concerns that the new approach was worse than the old one we decided to stay remote-first. The transition was finished by updating our team handbook.

It took us about a year to move from remote-friendly to remote-first. The last two and a half months were the most intensive - that’s the time between the “Remote-first vision” presentation and committing to the new approach.

The future

Now we are looking forward to see how the remote-first way influences our team culture in the long term. We are a remote-first team, but we are not fully-remote. Currently (November 2018) all our full-time employees live in Berlin and regularly come to the office.

That said, remote-first already opened a lot of opportunities for our team. I’m typing this blog post from Melbourne in Australia. Thanks to the remote-first approach the communication with the rest of the team works as smoothly as if I was sitting in our office in Berlin. The biggest difference is the temperature.